Hi everyone! We’ve unfortunately decided to move off of Mastodon. If you’d like to keep following us, we’re @appsignal.com on Blueksy! 🦋
@rgarner @appsignal Good suggestion! Let me look into that.
@roy @appsignal I've followed you over there too, but I'm hedging my bets for when the crypto VC inevitably demands its pound of flesh...
@rgarner @roy @appsignal same, and there's even more to it, since it's not really decentralised and since it's also embracing propaganda platforms.
@alexanderadam @roy @appsignal yeah, at best it could *become* decentralised. The architecture is very good, very interesting, but the economics for self-hosting do not presently stack up, so it's a question of time: can decentralisation be made to work before the paymasters shut down that path?
@appsignal :( that's a shame. Bridgy is also an option?